CALL BLOODLINE 1-844-663-4237


How much % Vectran is in Vec-99?

Vec-99 has a higher percentage of Vectran than some other products (greater than 30% and less than 50%).  We keep the exact ratio proprietary because of the large amount of testing we have done to arrive at the Vec-99 product.  We have found that with this amount of Vectran blend, the Vectran fibers individually share a more equal percentage of the load compared to lower blend ratios.

 What about fuzz?

Fuzz is a key indicator of fibers breaking down. This can come from external sources of abrasion and internal ( yarn on yarn) when fibers rub on each other causing wear.  Our coating is designed to protect from both of these abrasion sources and extend strand life. Expect to see a dramatic increase in the time before fuzz starts to appear. 
What is so different about the coating?
We developed a patent pending coating technology that is extremely different than traditional materials. It provides the following benefits:
  • Reduced Maintenance / strings are not needed to be waxed
  • Cleaner Strings / coatings do not collect dirt and grime
  • Brighter Colors / pigments designed not to fade from UV
  • Longer Life / coating dramatically protects fibers from breakdown
  • Manufacturing /  no uneven or sticky wax to deal with
  • Stable / the slick coating allows individual strands to balance
  • Arrow Speed / Lighter weight and balanced strands improve arrow speed

Is the slick coating hard to build with?

There are a few small details to learn when you first start building with Bloodline products. First off you will notice that the string material can slide off the jig posts if you are not laying up perpendicular to each post. Starting off we recommend doing the layups a little slower as you learn how the material reacts. Another item to address is when you start to serve over the string material the number of wraps needed to start off is usually more than traditional materials. We recommend applying up to 8 wraps to start a serving path.  
What about temperature?
All of our materials can be used at temperatures above 140 F without any coating or fiber breakdown.